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Vos motivations pour intégrer un big

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Sandra Schmidt
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Re: Vos motivations pour intégrer un big
Ecrit le: 12/04/2008 01:09
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Bonsoir Douja,

Trinity88 Ecrit le 10.04.2008 à 21:54


Je suis dans un petit cabinet, et je suis convoquée pour un entretien dans un BIG, et je ne sais quoi dire comme motivations!

Et pourquoi irez vous dans un big ?

Je pense que Trinity88 a raison ! Vous êtes convoqué à un entretien, c'est à vous de réfléchir à vos propres motivations !

Aller à un entretien en ayant appris par coeur les motivations des autres n'a absolument aucun sens !

Et si vous avez obtenu un entretien, c'est parce que votre profil les intéresse, réfléchissez-y !

Citation : Douja @ 11.04.2008 à 23:59
Je relance ce topic car je pense qu'il y a plein de choses à dire là dessus!

Certes il y aurait beaucoup de choses à dire concernant les big mais c'est à vous de trouver vos propres réponses.

Commencez par faire une recherche sur le big en question. Quels sont ses atouts ? Quelles différences par rapport à un petit cabinet etc...

Cette petite recherche vous permettra à la fois de trouver vos motivations et d'apporter la preuve de votre intérêt pour la société en question.

Bonne chance pour votre entretien !


Directeur du contrôle de gestion en entreprise
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Directeur du contrôle de gestion en entreprise

Re: Vos motivations pour intégrer un big
Ecrit le: 12/04/2008 07:26
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Je lis régulièrement un blog de quelqu'un qui est senior dans un big aux USA. Il fait des billets d'humeur sur son métier, c'est pas mal.
Le dernier en date concerne indirectement ce sujet, je vous le recopie ci-dessous pour ceux que ça intéresse...

Currently in that post busy-season slump period where I'm about ready for a vacation, except the wonderful folk over at scheduling and upper management have pretty much taken over my schedule for quite a while, so i guess i have to be vacationing mentally while working.

Just wanted to share this article that harps on the movement of companies towards smaller accounting firms and away from the big 4. I'm all for it for two reasons - a) it frees up resources for the big 4 so they can focus on other clients and not crunch five clients with resources only available for 3. b) I feel for startups and other small companies with cash crunches to keep paying high audit fees to the big 4 when they can get an attestation from the smaller companies, as long as the banks don't require a big 4 auditor. In most cases, banks want established independent auditors. Last I checked, there were more than 4. And it's not like we offer anything special that the smaller firms don't (outside of non-audit services) c) Props to the small mom and pop shops that want to blaze their own trail and not get shut out. This isn't the airlines industry.

Et voici l'article dont il fait mention :

Steinway Drums Out Deloitte to Lower Costs
Yet another mid-size company decides the fit will be better with a smaller auditing firm.
Stephen Taub | US
April 8, 2008

Steinway Musical Instruments is the latest company to drop a Big Four auditor, switching from Deloitte & Touche to UHY Advisors for its fiscal year ending December 2008.

Like several other companies that recently made similar moves, Steinway cited cost savings as the chief motivator. "We have had a very positive relationship with Deloitte over the years," said the company's CFO, Dennis Hanson. "However, we believe UHY offers our shareholders the best combination of cost and quality on a go-forward basis."

advertisement The company said it did not have any disagreement with Deloitte on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedures.

UHY is the 12th-largest professional services firm in the United States. It has nearly 200 offices in more than 65 countries.

In 2006, Steinway paid Deloitte nearly $2.2 million in fees for the audit of its financial statements and attestation services, up from $1.8 million the prior year. The company also paid about $42,000 in both 2005 and 2006 for due-diligence services and Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 readiness services.

Steinway additionally shelled out $339,000 in tax fees in 2006, up from $194,000 the previous year. These fees relate to the preparation of tax returns and general advice relating to tax planning and compliance.

Steinway, which has scheduled its annual meeting for May 19, is among a number of companies that recently replaced a Big Four auditor for a smaller firm. Late last month, IDT Corp. replaced Ernst & Young with Grant Thornton. "Grant Thornton offers our shareholders the best combination of cost and quality," said company CFO Steve Brown.

In January reported that Catapult Communications Corp. dropped Deloitte, replacing it with local auditor Stonefield Josephson. Catapult estimated the change would save 43 percent to 49 percent in accounting expenses this year, off the $985,000 the company would have paid Deloitte for fiscal 2008.

In general, however, the movement from Big Four auditing firms to smaller ones has been slowing significantly in recent years. A recent analysis of data from Audit Analytics shows that in 2007, 101 public companies moved from a Big Four firm to a mid-tier or regional firm, down from 163 in 2006 and 275 in 2005.

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